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Treat Yo’self! Self Love Tips for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love. Whether you are single, in a relationship, or somewhere in between, you don't need to wait for someone else to show you affection. Here are our top tips for a self-love filled Valentine’s Day!

Give Yourself A Break

Take an evening to just relax. Whether that means taking a hot bath, meditating, going for a walk, or watching your favorite show on Netflix; spending time doing something just for you is essential. Taking care of yourself will help boost your energy and happiness so you can be ready to show love back to those around you.

Do Something That Makes You Smile

Spend the day creating art or playing a game with friends. Go out on a hike or explore a new part of town. Whatever it is, do something that brings a smile to your face and makes your heart feel full.

Treat Yourself

There are so many ways to pamper yourself. You can buy yourself flowers (Miley Cyrus gets it), order takeout from your favorite restaurant, wear something special – whatever it is that makes you feel good, treat yo’self!

Or for a spa night, pick up your favorite beauty products and give yourself a spa night at home! Indulge in face masks, scented candles, and luxurious bath products and let go of all of the stress of everyday life.

Set Goals & Celebrate Achievements

What do you want to accomplish this year? Set some achievable goals and make plans to reach them. Reward yourself when these goals have been achieved with something special like a trip or treat – you deserve it!

Eat Well & Exercise

Taking care of your body is essential for feeling good about yourself. Incorporate healthy eating habits and try to get some exercise (even if it's just the exercise of the day from our Keep It Going Challenges!). Eating right and getting a little physical activity can make all the difference when it comes to how you feel about yourself, not just on Valentine's Day, but on any given day.

Make Time For Friends & Family

Plan a day date with some friends or family for coffee or lunch. Surround yourself with people who show you love and make you feel special.

If you're physically too far, that doesn't mean that you have to be disconnected. Schedule a video call if you can't meet up with friends and family so that you can stay connected with other people who love you.

Valentine's Day is all about celebrating love - but most importantly, loving yourself! There are many different ways that you can practice self-love, so choose whatever works best for you! With these tips in mind, we hope everyone has an enjoyable and loving Valentine's Day.

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