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Are you up for a challenge?

I am so excited to talk about our new challenges!

I've recently posted two new, on going challenges that you can join at any time.

There's one for your upper body to help sculpt those those chiseled arms...

as well as one for the lower body to lift and plump your backside, ya know, because you're a badass with a nice ass. ;)

Each challenge only lasts for 10 days, and each day, all you have to do is follow along with a 5-15 minute video. At the end of the challenge, you'll be on your way with a more sculpted set of arms, and/or a more toned peach.

Yes, it sounds simple and achievable because it absolutely is!

I know it can be tough to follow through on the commitments you make to yourself, but it's only 10 days and we're in it together. Let's do this!

You can find our challenges on our website under "Member Dashboard" > "Challenges" or on the app under "Online Programs".

Make sure to check out the recommended equipment for the challenge you choose so you'll be set up for success from the start!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out and let me know. Here for you, Fit Fam.

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